Implementing gamification techniques, such as points, badges, leaderboards, and rewards, enhances the user experience. These elements add an element of competition and motivation, encouraging users to keep learning and reach their goals.
My role: Landing page re-design, website concept & design, user flow & experience.
Aug 2021 - Mar 2022
The platform's design is centered around user-centered principles, emphasizing creating a visually pleasing and easy-to-use interface. The goal is to make learning accessible and enjoyable for users of all ages and skill levels.
Clari Learning is a learning platform designed to enhance user experience and gamify learning. The project focuses on delivering an intuitive, engaging interface that makes learning fun and interactive.
Students Protoype
Tutor Protoype
Responsibe Students Protoype
Desgin for Roles and responsive
After solving the main issue of ensuring an immaculate experience for the user "Student", the next crucial step was defining the role of the tutor.
I then proceeded to work on the web version of the platform.
CLARI: Change to Web app
A few months later, the client requested to change the product and a final Webapp was designed.
Click to open prototype:
Learn quicker.
For free.
Clarísimo Redesign
The first request for this job was to re-design the app for the users, adding, improving, and completing the flows and enhancing the user experience.